
return $message = [
    'imap_server_error'         =>  'IMAP server error: %s',
    'login_host'                =>  'Enter the IMAP server address.',
    'empty_form'                =>  'The form data is empty.',
    'password_required'         =>  'The password field is required.',
    'password_error'            =>  'wrong password.',
    'host_required'             =>  'The IMAP server address must be.',
    'email_required'            =>  'Email address must be.',
    'email_validator'           =>  'Email format error.',
    'email_insert_error'        =>  'Failed to Add Mailbox.',
    'contact_email_required'    =>  'Contact email address must be specified.',
    'contact_group_exists'    =>  'The selected group does not exist.',
    'contact_email_error'       =>  'The email format of the contact is incorrect.',
    'contact_email_name_required'   =>  'Contact name must be entered.',
    'contact_email_name_max'    =>  'Contact name Maximum character %s.',
    'contact_group_name_error'  =>  'The contact group must be longer than %s and smaller than %s characters.',
    'contact_group_name_unique'  =>  'The contact group already exists.',
    'contact_group_del_id'  =>  'Grouping does not exist.',
    'contact_remark_max'  =>  'The contact remarks must contain %s characters.',
    'contact_group_del_contact'  =>  'There are contacts in the group and cannot be deleted.',
    'email_folder_not'          =>  'Folder (%s) does not exist.',
    'email_not_bind'            =>  'Mailbox (%s) is not bound.',
    'email_send_error'          =>  'Failed to send message (%s).',
    'del_error' =>  'fail to delete.',
    'send_email_subject_error'    =>  'The message subject must be within the %s character.',
    'send_email_to_error'    =>  'The recipient must or is formatted incorrectly, %s.',