es_MX.js 15.5 KB
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419
"Redo": "Rehacer",
"Undo": "Deshacer",
"Cut": "Cortar",
"Copy": "Copiar",
"Paste": "Pegar",
"Select all": "Seleccionar todo",
"New document": "Nuevo documento",
"Ok": "Aceptar",
"Cancel": "Cancelar",
"Visual aids": "Ayudas visuales",
"Bold": "Negrita",
"Italic": "Cursiva",
"Underline": "Subrayado",
"Strikethrough": "Tachado",
"Superscript": "Super\u00edndice",
"Subscript": "Sub\u00edndice",
"Clear formatting": "Borrar formato",
"Align left": "Alinear a la izquierda",
"Align center": "Alinear al centro",
"Align right": "Alinear a la derecha",
"Justify": "Justificar",
"Bullet list": "Lista de vi\u00f1etas",
"Numbered list": "Lista numerada",
"Decrease indent": "Reducir sangr\u00eda",
"Increase indent": "Aumentar sangr\u00eda",
"Close": "Cerrar",
"Formats": "Formatos",
"Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X\/C\/V keyboard shortcuts instead.": "Su navegador no admite el acceso directo al portapapeles. Utilice los m\u00e9todos abreviados de teclado Ctrl+ X\/C\/V.",
"Headers": "Encabezados",
"Header 1": "Encabezado 1",
"Header 2": "Encabezado 2",
"Header 3": "Encabezado 3",
"Header 4": "Encabezado 4",
"Header 5": "Encabezado 5",
"Header 6": "Encabezado 6",
"Headings": "T\u00edtulos",
"Heading 1": "T\u00edtulo 1",
"Heading 2": "T\u00edtulo 2",
"Heading 3": "T\u00edtulo 3",
"Heading 4": "T\u00edtulo 4",
"Heading 5": "T\u00edtulo 5",
"Heading 6": "T\u00edtulo 6",
"Preformatted": "Con formato previo",
"Div": "Div",
"Pre": "Pre",
"Code": "C\u00f3digo",
"Paragraph": "P\u00e1rrafo",
"Blockquote": "Blockquote",
"Inline": "En l\u00ednea",
"Blocks": "Bloques",
"Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.": "Se pegar\u00e1 en texto plano. El contenido se pegar\u00e1 como texto plano hasta que desactive esta opci\u00f3n.",
"Fonts": "Fuentes",
"Font Sizes": "Tama\u00f1os de fuente",
"Class": "Clase",
"Browse for an image": "Buscar una imagen",
"OR": "O",
"Drop an image here": "Soltar una imagen aqu\u00ed",
"Upload": "Cargar",
"Block": "Bloque",
"Align": "Alinear",
"Default": "Por defecto",
"Circle": "Circulo",
"Disc": "Disco",
"Square": "Cuadro",
"Lower Alpha": "Alfa min\u00fascula",
"Lower Greek": "Griega min\u00fascula",
"Lower Roman": "Romano min\u00fascula",
"Upper Alpha": "Alfa may\u00fascula",
"Upper Roman": "May\u00fascula Romana",
"Anchor...": "Marcador...",
"Name": "Nombre",
"Id": "Identificador",
"Id should start with a letter, followed only by letters, numbers, dashes, dots, colons or underscores.": "El Identificador debe comenzar con una letra, seguido solo por letras, n\u00fameros, puntos, guiones medios o guiones bajos.  ",
"You have unsaved changes are you sure you want to navigate away?": "No se  han guardado los cambios. \u00bfSeguro que desea abandonar la p\u00e1gina?",
"Restore last draft": "Restaurar el \u00faltimo borrador",
"Special character...": "Car\u00e1cter especial...",
"Source code": "C\u00f3digo fuente",
"Insert\/Edit code sample": "Insertar\/Editar c\u00f3digo muestra",
"Language": "idioma",
"Code sample...": "Ejemplo de c\u00f3digo...",
"Color Picker": "Selector de colores",
"R": "R",
"G": "G",
"B": "B",
"Left to right": "Izquierda a derecha",
"Right to left": "Derecha a Izquierda",
"Emoticons...": "Emoticonos...",
"Metadata and Document Properties": "Metadatos y propiedades del documento",
"Title": "T\u00edtulo",
"Keywords": "Palabras clave",
"Description": "Descripci\u00f3n ",
"Robots": "Robots",
"Author": "Autor",
"Encoding": "Codificaci\u00f3n",
"Fullscreen": "Pantalla completa",
"Action": "Acci\u00f3n",
"Shortcut": "Atajo",
"Help": "Ayuda",
"Address": "Direcci\u00f3n",
"Focus to menubar": "Enfocar en barra de menu",
"Focus to toolbar": "Enfocar en barra de herramientas",
"Focus to element path": "Enfocar ruta del elemento",
"Focus to contextual toolbar": "Enfocar en barra de herramientas contextual",
"Insert link (if link plugin activated)": "Insertar enlace (si enlace del plugin est\u00e1 activo)",
"Save (if save plugin activated)": "Guardar (si el plugin guardar est\u00e1 activo)",
"Find (if searchreplace plugin activated)": "Buscar (si el plugin buscar\/reemplazar est\u00e1 activo)",
"Plugins installed ({0}):": "Plugins instalados ({0}):",
"Premium plugins:": "Plugins premium:",
"Learn more...": "Aprende m\u00e1s...",
"You are using {0}": "est\u00e1s usando {0}",
"Plugins": "Plugins",
"Handy Shortcuts": "Atajos \u00fatiles",
"Horizontal line": "L\u00ednea Horizontal",
"Insert\/edit image": "Insertar\/editar imagen",
"Image description": "Descripci\u00f3n de imagen",
"Source": "Origen",
"Dimensions": "Dimensiones",
"Constrain proportions": "Restringir proporciones",
"General": "General",
"Advanced": "Avanzado",
"Style": "Estilo",
"Vertical space": "Espacio vertical",
"Horizontal space": "Espacio horizontal",
"Border": "Borde",
"Insert image": "Insertar imagen",
"Image...": "Imagen...",
"Image list": "Lista de im\u00e1genes",
"Rotate counterclockwise": "Rotar en sentido contrario a las manecillas",
"Rotate clockwise": "Rotar en sentido de las manecillas",
"Flip vertically": "Voltear verticalmente",
"Flip horizontally": "Volter horizontalmente",
"Edit image": "Editar imagen",
"Image options": "Opciones de la imagen",
"Zoom in": "Acercar",
"Zoom out": "Alejar",
"Crop": "Recortar",
"Resize": "Cambiar tama\u00f1o",
"Orientation": "Orientaci\u00f3n",
"Brightness": "Brillo",
"Sharpen": "Nitidez",
"Contrast": "Contraste",
"Color levels": "Niveles de Color",
"Gamma": "Gamma",
"Invert": "Invertir",
"Apply": "Aplicar",
"Back": "Regresar",
"Insert date\/time": "Insertar fecha\/hora",
"Date\/time": "Fecha\/hora",
"Insert\/Edit Link": "Insertar\/editar v\u00ednculo",
"Insert\/edit link": "Inserta\/editar enlace",
"Text to display": "Texto a mostrar",
"Url": "Url",
"Open link in...": "Abrir v\u00ednculo en...",
"Current window": "Ventana actual",
"None": "Ninguno",
"New window": "Nueva ventana",
"Remove link": "Eliminar elnace",
"Anchors": "Anclas",
"Link...": "V\u00ednculo...",
"Paste or type a link": "Pega o escribe un enlace",
"The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?": "El URL que ha insertado tiene formato de correo electr\u00f3nico. \u00bfDesea agregar con prefijo \"mailto:\"?",
"The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:\/\/ prefix?": "El URL que ha ingresado es un enlace externo. \u00bfDesea agregar el prefijo \"http:\/\/\"?",
"Link list": "Lista de enlaces",
"Insert video": "Insertar video",
"Insert\/edit video": "Insertar\/editar video",
"Insert\/edit media": "Insertar\/editar multimedia",
"Alternative source": "Fuente alternativa",
"Alternative source URL": "URL de origen alternativo",
"Media poster (Image URL)": "P\u00f3ster multimedia (URL de la imagen)",
"Paste your embed code below:": "Pegue su c\u00f3digo de inserci\u00f3n abajo:",
"Embed": "Incrustar",
"Media...": "Elemento multimedia...",
"Nonbreaking space": "Espacio de no separaci\u00f3n",
"Page break": "Salto de p\u00e1gina ",
"Paste as text": "Copiar como texto",
"Preview": "Vista previa ",
"Print...": "Imprimir...",
"Save": "Guardar",
"Find": "Buscar",
"Replace with": "Remplazar con",
"Replace": "Remplazar",
"Replace all": "Remplazar todo",
"Previous": "Anterior",
"Next": "Siguiente",
"Find and replace...": "Buscar y reemplazar...",
"Could not find the specified string.": "No se ha encontrado la cadena especificada.",
"Match case": "Coincidencia",
"Find whole words only": "Buscar solo palabras completas",
"Spell check": "Corrector ortogr\u00e1fico",
"Ignore": "Ignorar",
"Ignore all": "Ignorar todo",
"Finish": "Terminar",
"Add to Dictionary": "Agregar al diccionario ",
"Insert table": "Insertar tabla",
"Table properties": "Propiedades de tabla",
"Delete table": "Eliminar tabla",
"Cell": "Celda",
"Row": "Rengl\u00f3n ",
"Column": "Columna",
"Cell properties": "Propiedades de celda",
"Merge cells": "Unir celdas",
"Split cell": "Dividir celdas",
"Insert row before": "Insertar rengl\u00f3n antes",
"Insert row after": "Insertar rengl\u00f3n despu\u00e9s",
"Delete row": "Eliminar rengl\u00f3n ",
"Row properties": "Propiedades del rengl\u00f3n ",
"Cut row": "Cortar renglon",
"Copy row": "Copiar rengl\u00f3n ",
"Paste row before": "Pegar rengl\u00f3n antes",
"Paste row after": "Pegar rengl\u00f3n despu\u00e9s",
"Insert column before": "Insertar columna antes",
"Insert column after": "Insertar columna despu\u00e9s",
"Delete column": "Eliminar columna",
"Cols": "Columnas",
"Rows": "Renglones ",
"Width": "Ancho",
"Height": "Alto",
"Cell spacing": "Espacio entre celdas",
"Cell padding": "Relleno de la celda",
"Show caption": "Mostrar leyenda",
"Left": "Izquierda",
"Center": "Centro",
"Right": "Derecha",
"Cell type": "Tipo de celda",
"Scope": "Alcance",
"Alignment": "Alineaci\u00f3n ",
"H Align": "Alineaci\u00f3n Horizontal",
"V Align": "Alineaci\u00f3n Vertical",
"Top": "Arriba",
"Middle": "Centrado",
"Bottom": "Abajo",
"Header cell": "Celda de encabezado",
"Row group": "Grupo de renglones",
"Column group": "Grupo de columnas",
"Row type": "Tipo de rengl\u00f3n ",
"Header": "Encabezado",
"Body": "Cuerpo",
"Footer": "Pie",
"Border color": "Color del borde",
"Insert template...": "Insertar plantilla...",
"Templates": "Plantilla",
"Template": "Plantilla",
"Text color": "Color de letra",
"Background color": "Color de fondo",
"Custom...": "Personalizar",
"Custom color": "Perzonalizar color",
"No color": "Sin color",
"Remove color": "Eliminar color",
"Table of Contents": "Tabla de Contenidos",
"Show blocks": "Mostrar bloques",
"Show invisible characters": "Mostrar caracteres invisibles",
"Word count": "Contar palabras",
"Count": "Recuento",
"Document": "Documento",
"Selection": "Selecci\u00f3n",
"Words": "Palabras",
"Words: {0}": "Palabras:{0}",
"{0} words": "{0} palabras",
"File": "Archivo",
"Edit": "Editar",
"Insert": "Insertar",
"View": "Vistas",
"Format": "Formato",
"Table": "Tabla",
"Tools": "Herramientas",
"Powered by {0}": "Creado con {0}",
"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help": "Presione dentro del \u00e1rea de texto ALT-F9 para invocar el men\u00fa, ALT-F10 para la barra de herramientas y ALT-0 para la ayuda.",
"Image title": "T\u00edtulo de la imagen",
"Border width": "Ancho del borde",
"Border style": "Estilo del borde",
"Error": "Error",
"Warn": "Advertencia",
"Valid": "V\u00e1lido",
"To open the popup, press Shift+Enter": "Para abrir la ventana emergente, pulse May\u00fas+Intro",
"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-0 for help.": "\u00c1rea de texto enriquecido. Pulse ALT-0 para obtener ayuda.",
"System Font": "Fuente del sistema",
"Failed to upload image: {0}": "Error al cargar la imagen: {0}",
"Failed to load plugin: {0} from url {1}": "Error al cargar el complemento: {0} desde la url {1}",
"Failed to load plugin url: {0}": "Error al cargar la url del complemento: {0}",
"Failed to initialize plugin: {0}": "Error al inicializar el complemento: {0}",
"example": "ejemplo",
"Search": "Buscar",
"All": "Todo",
"Currency": "Moneda",
"Text": "Texto",
"Quotations": "Comillas",
"Mathematical": "Matem\u00e1ticos",
"Extended Latin": "Lat\u00edn extendido",
"Symbols": "S\u00edmbolos",
"Arrows": "Flechas",
"User Defined": "Definido por el usuario",
"dollar sign": "signo de d\u00f3lar",
"currency sign": "signo de moneda",
"euro-currency sign": "signo de euro",
"colon sign": "signo del col\u00f3n",
"cruzeiro sign": "signo del cruzeiro",
"french franc sign": "signo del franco franc\u00e9s",
"lira sign": "signo de la lira",
"mill sign": "signo de mil",
"naira sign": "signo del naira",
"peseta sign": "signo de la peseta",
"rupee sign": "signo de la rupia",
"won sign": "signo del won",
"new sheqel sign": "signo de nuevo shequel",
"dong sign": "signo del dong",
"kip sign": "signo del kip",
"tugrik sign": "signo del tugrik",
"drachma sign": "signo del dracma",
"german penny symbol": "signo del penique alem\u00e1n",
"peso sign": "signo del peso",
"guarani sign": "signo del guaran\u00ed",
"austral sign": "signo del austral",
"hryvnia sign": "signo de hryvnia",
"cedi sign": "signo de cedi",
"livre tournois sign": "signo de livre tournois",
"spesmilo sign": "signo de spesmilo",
"tenge sign": "signo de tenge",
"indian rupee sign": "signo de la rupia india",
"turkish lira sign": "signo de la lira turca",
"nordic mark sign": "signo del marco n\u00f3rdico",
"manat sign": "signo de manat",
"ruble sign": "signo de rublo",
"yen character": "car\u00e1cter del yen",
"yuan character": "car\u00e1cter del yuan",
"yuan character, in hong kong and taiwan": "car\u00e1cter del yuan, en Hong Kong y Taiw\u00e1n",
"yen\/yuan character variant one": "variante uno del car\u00e1cter del yen\/yuan",
"Loading emoticons...": "Cargando emoticonos...",
"Could not load emoticons": "No se pudieron cargar los emoticonos",
"People": "Personas",
"Animals and Nature": "Animales y naturaleza",
"Food and Drink": "Comida y bebida",
"Activity": "Actividad",
"Travel and Places": "Viajes y lugares",
"Objects": "Objetos",
"Flags": "Banderas",
"Characters": "Caracteres",
"Characters (no spaces)": "Caracteres (sin espacios)",
"{0} characters": "{0} caracteres",
"Error: Form submit field collision.": "Error: colisi\u00f3n de campo env\u00edo de formulario.",
"Error: No form element found.": "Error: no se encontr\u00f3 ning\u00fan elemento de formulario.",
"Update": "Actualizar",
"Color swatch": "Muestrario de colores",
"Turquoise": "Turquesa",
"Green": "Verde",
"Blue": "Azul",
"Purple": "Morado",
"Navy Blue": "Azul marino",
"Dark Turquoise": "Turquesa oscuro",
"Dark Green": "Verde oscuro",
"Medium Blue": "Azul medio",
"Medium Purple": "Morado medio",
"Midnight Blue": "Azul noche",
"Yellow": "Amarillo",
"Orange": "Anaranjado",
"Red": "Rojo",
"Light Gray": "Gris claro",
"Gray": "Gris",
"Dark Yellow": "Amarillo oscuro",
"Dark Orange": "Anaranjado oscuro",
"Dark Red": "Rojo oscuro",
"Medium Gray": "Gris medio",
"Dark Gray": "Gris oscuro",
"Light Green": "Verde claro",
"Light Yellow": "Amarillo claro",
"Light Red": "Rojo claro",
"Light Purple": "Morado claro",
"Light Blue": "Azul claro",
"Dark Purple": "Morado oscuro",
"Dark Blue": "Azul oscuro",
"Black": "Negro",
"White": "Blanco",
"Switch to or from fullscreen mode": "Cambiar a modo de pantalla completa o salir de \u00e9l",
"Open help dialog": "Abrir di\u00e1logo de ayuda",
"history": "historial",
"styles": "estilos",
"formatting": "formato",
"alignment": "alineaci\u00f3n",
"indentation": "sangr\u00eda",
"permanent pen": "l\u00e1piz permanente",
"comments": "comentarios",
"Format Painter": "Copiar formato",
"Insert\/edit iframe": "Insertar\/editar marco flotante",
"Capitalization": "Uso de may\u00fasculas",
"lowercase": "min\u00fascula",
"Title Case": "Tipo t\u00edtulo",
"Permanent Pen Properties": "Propiedades del l\u00e1piz permanente",
"Permanent pen properties...": "Propiedades del l\u00e1piz permanente...",
"Font": "Fuente",
"Size": "Tama\u00f1o",
"More...": "M\u00e1s...",
"Spellcheck Language": "Idioma de la revisi\u00f3n ortogr\u00e1fica",
"Select...": "Seleccionar...",
"Preferences": "Preferencias",
"Yes": "S\u00ed",
"No": "No",
"Keyboard Navigation": "Navegaci\u00f3n con el teclado",
"Version": "Versi\u00f3n",
"Anchor": "Anclar",
"Special character": "Caracter especial",
"Code sample": "C\u00f3digo muestra",
"Color": "Color",
"Emoticons": "Emoticones",
"Document properties": "Propiedades del documento",
"Image": "Imagen",
"Insert link": "Insertar enlace",
"Target": "Objetivo",
"Link": "Enlace",
"Poster": "Cartel",
"Media": "Multimedia",
"Print": "Imprimir",
"Prev": "Anterior",
"Find and replace": "Buscar y reemplazar",
"Whole words": "Palabras completas",
"Spellcheck": "Revisi\u00f3n ortogr\u00e1fica",
"Caption": "Subt\u00edtulo",
"Insert template": "Insertar plantilla"